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Jessica Hamilton

Jessica Hamilton

Operational Assistant

What is your role with Community Healthcare System?
Operational assistant at St. Mary Medical Center. I cover the Oncology, Rehabilitation and IMCU units.

What was your inspiration for getting into healthcare?
Pretty much my whole life I was told by several family members that I should be a nurse. They said I have the compassion and kind nature that would be perfect for the role. My dad was a “frequent flyer” here, and I was always blown away by how well the staff treated him and my mom. If there was ever a hospital I would have loved to work at, it was definitely this one. So, I applied and started out as a personal care attendant (PCA) and immediately wished I would have gotten into healthcare years ago.

What is a typical day like for you?
Full of variety! There’s never a dull moment working with three units. On a daily basis, I keep up with the patients who have been discharged. At the end of the week, I mail cards to their homes, thanking them for choosing us to care for them. Two days out of the week I go down to IMCU and our Rehab unit and assist the management teams with various assignments, such as uploading documents, assigning lockers and locator badges as needed, making discharge calls (this is my favorite part of the position; I enjoy talking with the patients and hearing about their progress) and making sure everyone is up to date with their credentials and training. Occasionally, I distribute crossword style word searches that have a hidden nursing-related message for employees to unwind with on their lunch period and offer prizes to the first one to solve it. It may seem silly, but I have noticed it’s something employees enjoy.

How long have you been employed here?
I started out as a PCA in November of 2021 and in the same month of 2022 I applied for the position I’m in now.

What are some of the big changes you have experienced in this position?
Given I’ve only worked here for a couple of years, nothing has really impacted me to a great extent. I didn’t experience what our teams faced during the COVID-19 pandemic in the same way. Though I did see and hear how it affected everyone when I was a mobile phlebotomist, it was an entirely different situation when you were helping people one-on-one who were sick with COVID-19. It really made me appreciate our nurses even more than I already did. In my current position, I get to see our employee education portal HealthStream from a different perspective, which has been neat. And, I have contact with patients after they’ve left. I thought I was going to lose the rewarding feeling of seeing their progress in rehab, but I get to hear all about it when I call them. There’s really nothing like seeing someone come in who can barely walk or even feed themselves to then watching them eat a full meal on their own and walk with their head held high on the day they leave.

What are some of your interests outside of work? What is your favorite “local gem”?
I’m secretly a big nerd. OK, who am I kidding? One look at my office will tell you it’s no secret! I enjoy gaming with my husband, crafting while he’s painting his miniature armies (Warhammer), reading, writing and exploring nature in all her beautiful glory. And if you want a local gem, you cannot go wrong with Yo Mama’s restaurant in Hobart.

What do you enjoy most about working at Community Healthcare System?
I’ve really enjoyed trying to make people feel appreciated and bringing a little fun to the units. I love seeing people smile, especially in hard times. My absolute favorite part of being here? The people. Hands down. I’ve had some of the kindest, most wonderful managers in my short time here. I’ve met some outstanding people (co-workers and patients alike) and there are a handful of nurses whom I think the world of. Community Healthcare System could not ask for a better team than what they have. And if you need convincing, you only need to look at the kudos boards on each of the units. I could not be more proud to be a part of this wonderful organization, and I look forward to seeing all the progress and growth taking place within its walls.